Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a widely distributed pathogen that is able to produce both acute and chronic ~infections~.
How You Get It:
The disease is passed by having sex with an infected person. It can also be contracted through contaminated ~blood~. Practices such as sharing needles during drug use increase the risk of contracting HBV. It is easier to get ~hepatitis~ if a condom is not used.
How It Is Transmitted:
Hepatitis B is transmitted during sex with an infected partner or when sharing needles during drug use.
What It Looks Like - What The Symptoms Are:
All signs of hepatitis B are related to |liver| dysfunction, which is what the virus causes. The signs include loss of appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting, pain in the |stomach|, and a yellowing of the skin or the white part of the |eye|. Some of these signs are also signs of other diseases. Therefore, having any of these should be sufficient reason to see a qualified medical professional.
How To Get Tested For It:
A healthcare professional will take a ~blood~ sample and send it to a laboratory. The results can take up to two weeks to return.
Hepatitis B can be treated, but there is no current cure for it. An intramuscular injection is given to control damage to the |liver| and control the disease.
If Left Untreated:
Serious |liver| damage.
Avoid or eliminate high-risk behavior (shared needles during drug use). Consider vaccination.